AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
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This is the complete list of members for Sketch2dBuilder, including all inherited members.
MakeArc(GCirc2d cirlce, double p1, double p2) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeArc(GPnt2d start, GPnt2d end, double bulge) (defined in Sketch2dBuilder) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeArcByLines(TopoShape line1, TopoShape line2, double radius, double tol) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeBSpline(GPnt2dList points, boolean periodicFlag, double tolerance) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeBSpline(GPnt2dList poles, DoubleList knots, Uint32List multiplicities, long degree, boolean periodicFlag) (defined in Sketch2dBuilder) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeBSpline(GPnt2dList poles, DoubleList knots, Uint32List multiplicities, long degree) (defined in Sketch2dBuilder) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeBSpline(GPnt2dList poles, DoubleList weights, DoubleList knots, Uint32List multiplicities, long degree, boolean periodicFlag) (defined in Sketch2dBuilder) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeBSpline(GPnt2dList poles, DoubleList weights, DoubleList knots, Uint32List multiplicities, long degree) (defined in Sketch2dBuilder) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeCircle(GCirc2d cirlce) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeElips(GElips2d elips) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeElipsArc(GElips2d elips, double p1, double p2) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeHypr(GHypr2d hypr, double p1, double p2) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeLine(GPnt2d start, GPnt2d end) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeLine(GLin2d line, double p1, double p2) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |
MakeParab(GParab2d parab, double p1, double p2) | Sketch2dBuilder | static |