Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- f -
- FacePoint() : CollisionDetector
- Fillet() : FeatureTool
- FindChild() : TopoShape
- FindChildIndex() : TopoShape
- FindNode() : Scene
- FindNodeByUserId() : Scene
- FinitePart() : GBBox
- FirstAxisOfInertia() : PrincipalProps
- FirstParameter() : ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d
- FirstUParameter() : ParametricSurface
- FirstVParameter() : ParametricSurface
- FixShape() : ShapeBuilder
- FixSolid() : ShapeBuilder
- Focal() : GElips, GElips2d, GHypr, GHypr2d, GParab, GParab2d
- Focus() : GParab, GParab2d
- Focus1() : GElips, GElips2d, GHypr, GHypr2d
- Focus2() : GElips, GElips2d, GHypr, GHypr2d
- Form() : GTrsf, GTrsf2d
- Fuse() : BooleanTool