Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
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- Initialize() : EdgeExplor, HoleDetector, HoleExplor, HoleExplorLegacy, ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, ParametricGeometry, ParametricSurface, SolidExplor, WireExplor
- intersection() : AxisAlignedBox
- intersects() : AxisAlignedBox, PlaneBoundedVolume, Ray, Sphere
- Invert() : GQuaternion
- Inverted() : GMat, GMat2d, GQuaternion, GTrsf, GTrsf2d
- IpcServer() : IpcServer
- Is3DCurve() : ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d
- IsClosed() : ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, TopoShape
- IsCoaxial() : GAx1, GAx2d
- IsConvex() : TopoShape
- IsCoplanar() : GAx2, GAx3
- IsCurveOnSurface() : ParametricCurve
- IsDirect() : GCirc2d, GElips2d, GHypr2d, GParab2d
- IsEqual() : GDir, GDir2d, GPnt, GPnt2d, GQuaternion, GVec, GVec2d, GXY, GXYZ
- IsEqualShape() : TopoShape
- isFinite() : AxisAlignedBox
- isInfinite() : AxisAlignedBox
- IsInnerSolution() : ExtremaShapeShape
- IsMin() : ExtremaPointCurve
- IsNegative() : GTrsf, GTrsf2d
- IsNormal() : GAx1, GAx2d, GDir, GDir2d, GVec, GVec2d
- IsNormalDefined() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- isNull() : AxisAlignedBox
- IsNullShape() : TopoShape
- IsOpen() : GBBox
- IsOpenXmax() : GBBox
- IsOpenXmin() : GBBox
- IsOpenYmax() : GBBox
- IsOpenYmin() : GBBox
- IsOpenZmax() : GBBox
- IsOpenZmin() : GBBox
- IsOpposite() : GAx1, GAx2d, GDir, GDir2d, GVec, GVec2d
- IsOrientable() : TopoShape
- IsOut() : GBBox
- IsParallel() : ExtremaCurveSurface, FaceIntersector, GAx1, GAx2d, GDir, GDir2d, GVec, GVec2d
- IsPartnerShape() : TopoShape
- IsPeriodic() : ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d
- IsSameShape() : TopoShape
- IsShapeType() : TopoShape
- IsSiblingEdges() : ShapeExplor
- IsSingular() : GMat, GMat2d
- IsTangentDefined() : CurveShapeProperty
- IsTangentUDefined() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- IsTangentVDefined() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- IsThin() : GBBox
- IsUClosed() : ParametricSurface
- IsUmbilic() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- IsUPeriodic() : ParametricSurface
- IsValidGeometry() : ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, ParametricGeometry, ParametricSurface
- IsVClosed() : ParametricSurface
- IsVertexOn() : Ray
- IsVoid() : GBBox
- IsVPeriodic() : ParametricSurface
- IsWhole() : GBBox
- IsXThin() : GBBox
- IsYThin() : GBBox
- IsZThin() : GBBox