Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- d -
- D0() : ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, ParametricSurface
- D1() : CurveShapeProperty, ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, ParametricSurface
- D1U() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- D1V() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- D2() : CurveShapeProperty, ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, ParametricSurface
- D2U() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- D2V() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- D3() : CurveShapeProperty, ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, ParametricSurface
- Determinant() : GMat, GMat2d
- Diagonal() : GMat, GMat2d
- Direct() : GAx3, GCone, GCylinder, GPln, GSphere, GTorus
- Direction() : GAx1, GAx2, GAx2d, GAx3, GLin, GLin2d
- Directrix() : GParab, GParab2d
- Directrix1() : GElips, GElips2d, GHypr, GHypr2d
- Directrix2() : GElips, GElips2d, GHypr, GHypr2d
- distance() : AxisAlignedBox
- Distance() : GBBox, GCirc, GCirc2d, GLin, GLin2d, GPln, GPnt, GPnt2d
- Divide() : GVec, GXY, GXYZ
- Divided() : GMat, GMat2d, GVec, GVec2d, GXY, GXYZ
- DN() : ParametricCurve, ParametricCurve2d, ParametricSurface
- Dot() : GDir, GDir2d, GQuaternion, GVec, GVec2d, GXY, GXYZ
- DotCross() : GDir, GVec, GXYZ
- DUV() : SurfaceShapeProperty
- DX() : GP
- DX2d() : GP
- DY() : GP
- DY2d() : GP
- DZ() : GP