AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
Help you to create a better world!
PrimitiveSceneNode类 参考
类 PrimitiveSceneNode 继承关系图:
SceneNode GfxObject ImageSceneNode ParticleSceneNode SegmentsSceneNode SharedShapeNode TextSceneNode

Public 成员函数

 PrimitiveSceneNode (PrimitiveShape shape)
 PrimitiveSceneNode (BufferGeometry shape, MaterialInstance material)
PrimitiveShape GetPrimitive ()
MaterialInstance GetMaterial ()
void SetMaterial (MaterialInstance material)
void SetPrimitive (PrimitiveShape shape)
void SetGeometry (BufferGeometry geometry)
SceneNode Clone ()
void UpdateBoundingBox ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 SceneNode
java.math.BigInteger GetUserId ()
void SetUserId (java.math.BigInteger val)
Matrix4 GetTransform ()
AABox GetBoundingBox ()
void SetBoundingBox (AABox val)
Matrix4 GetWorldTransform ()
AABox GetWorldBBox ()
long GetState ()
SceneNode GetParent ()
void SetParent (SceneNode val)
float GetPickOrder ()
void SetPickOrder (float val)
long GetUpdateVersion ()
void SetUpdateVersion (long val)
MaterialInstance GetOverrideFaceMaterial ()
void SetOverrideFaceMaterial (MaterialInstance val)
MaterialInstance GetOverrideEdgeMaterial ()
void SetOverrideEdgeMaterial (MaterialInstance val)
boolean GetCastShadow ()
void SetCastShadow (boolean bEnabled)
boolean GetPickable ()
void SetPickable (boolean bEnabled)
boolean GetCulling ()
void SetCulling (boolean bEnabled)
boolean GetVisible ()
void SetVisible (boolean bEnabled)
boolean GetChildrenPickable ()
void SetChildrenPickable (boolean bEnabled)
boolean GetContainer ()
void SetContainer (boolean bEnabled)
boolean GetFixedSize ()
void SetFixedSize (boolean bEnabled)
boolean GetPhysics ()
void SetPhysics (boolean bEnabled)
void SetTransform (Matrix4 trf)
SceneNode GetRootNode ()
SceneNode Clone ()
void RequestUpdate ()
void AddTransform (Matrix4 trf)
void SetWorldTransform (Matrix4 world)
void UpdateTransform (Matrix4 parent)
AABox ComputeBoundingBox (Matrix4 parent)
boolean IsVisiblePath ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 GfxObject
long GetUuid ()

静态 Public 成员函数

static PrimitiveSceneNode Cast (GfxObject obj)
static PrimitiveSceneNode Create (BufferGeometry shape, MaterialInstance material)
static SceneNode Cast (GfxObject obj)


The SceneNode to contain basic shapes: pints, lines and triangles.


◆ Cast()

static PrimitiveSceneNode PrimitiveSceneNode.Cast ( GfxObject  obj)

重载 SceneNode .

◆ Clone()

SceneNode PrimitiveSceneNode.Clone ( )

重载 SceneNode .