AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
Help you to create a better world!
PointCloud Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PointCloud:
ShapeSceneNode SceneNode GfxObject SharedPointCloud

Public Member Functions

 PointCloud (CompoundShape shape, float pointSize)
PointsMaterial GetMaterial ()
void SetMaterial (PointsMaterial val)
MeshPhongMaterial GetNormalMaterial ()
void SetNormalMaterial (MeshPhongMaterial val)
void AddPoints (Float32Buffer points, Float32Buffer colors, Float32Buffer normals)
long GetPointCount ()
void SetPointSize (float pointSize)
void UseVertexColors (boolean enabled)
void SetPosition (long idx, Vector3 position)
Vector3 GetPosition (long idx)
void SetNormal (long idx, Vector3 normal)
Vector3 GetNormal (long idx)
void SetPosition (long primitiveIdx, long pointIdx, Vector3 position)
Vector3 GetPosition (long primitiveIdx, long pointIdx)
void SetColor (long idx, Vector3 color)
Vector3 GetColor (long idx)
void UpdateBoundingBox ()
SceneNode Clone ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ShapeSceneNode
 ShapeSceneNode (CompoundShape shape)
CompoundShape GetShape ()
void SetShape (CompoundShape val)
PrimitiveShapeList GetPrimitives ()
PrimitiveShape GetPrimitive (long idx)
long GetPrimitiveCount ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SceneNode
java.math.BigInteger GetUserId ()
void SetUserId (java.math.BigInteger val)
Matrix4 GetTransform ()
void SetTransform (Matrix4 val)
AxisAlignedBox GetBoundingBox ()
void SetBoundingBox (AxisAlignedBox val)
Matrix4 GetWorldTransform ()
AxisAlignedBox GetWorldBBox ()
boolean GetCastShadow ()
void SetCastShadow (boolean val)
boolean GetPickable ()
void SetPickable (boolean val)
boolean GetCulling ()
void SetCulling (boolean val)
boolean GetVisible ()
void SetVisible (boolean val)
boolean GetChildrenPickable ()
void SetChildrenPickable (boolean val)
SceneNode GetParent ()
long GetUpdateVersion ()
void SetUpdateVersion (long val)
MaterialInstance GetOverrideFaceMaterial ()
void SetOverrideFaceMaterial (MaterialInstance val)
MaterialInstance GetOverrideEdgeMaterial ()
void SetOverrideEdgeMaterial (MaterialInstance val)
SceneNode GetRootNode ()
void RequstUpdate ()
void AddTransform (Matrix4 trf)
void SetWorldTransform (Matrix4 world)
void UpdateTransform (Matrix4 parent)
void UpdateWorldTransform (Matrix4 scene)
AxisAlignedBox ComputeBoundingBox (Matrix4 parent)
boolean IsVisiblePath ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GfxObject
long GetUuid ()

Static Public Member Functions

static PointCloud Cast (GfxObject obj)
static PointCloud Create (Float32Buffer points, Float32Buffer colors, Float32Buffer normals, float pointSize)

Detailed Description

The point cloude node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPoints()

void PointCloud.AddPoints ( Float32Buffer  points,
Float32Buffer  colors,
Float32Buffer  normals 

Add another point cloud.

pointsthe positions.
colorsthe colors.

◆ Cast()

static PointCloud PointCloud.Cast ( GfxObject  obj)

Reimplemented from ShapeSceneNode.

◆ Clone()

SceneNode PointCloud.Clone ( )

Reimplemented from ShapeSceneNode.

◆ Create()

static PointCloud PointCloud.Create ( Float32Buffer  points,
Float32Buffer  colors,
Float32Buffer  normals,
float  pointSize 

Create the point cloud

pointsthe positions.
colorsthe colors.
pointSizethe point size.
the PointCloud

◆ SetPointSize()

void PointCloud.SetPointSize ( float  pointSize)

Change the point displaying size.

pointSizethe point size.

◆ UseVertexColors()

void PointCloud.UseVertexColors ( boolean  enabled)

Enable displaying with vertex colors.

enabledtrue to use the point colors.