AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
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Uint16TypedBuffer Member List

This is the complete list of members for Uint16TypedBuffer, including all inherited members.

Append(int val) (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer
Append(int a, int b) (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer
Append(int a, int b, int c) (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer
Append(int a, int b, int c, int d) (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer
Get(long idx) (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer
GetData() (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer
Reserve(long count) (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer
Save(String fleName)ArrayBuffer
Set(long idx, int val) (defined in Uint16TypedBuffer)Uint16TypedBuffer