AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
Help you to create a better world!
TransformTool Member List

This is the complete list of members for TransformTool, including all inherited members.

Decompose(Matrix4 mat, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, Vector3 scale) (defined in TransformTool)TransformToolstatic
Mirror(TopoShape shape, GAx1 axis)TransformToolstatic
Rotation(TopoShape pShape, GAx1 axis, double angle)TransformToolstatic
Scale(TopoShape pShape, GPnt center, double scale)TransformToolstatic
ToMatrix4(GTrsf trf) (defined in TransformTool)TransformToolstatic
ToTransform(Matrix4 mat) (defined in TransformTool)TransformToolstatic
Transform(TopoShape pShape, GTrsf trf)TransformToolstatic
Transform(TopoShape pShape, GAx3 trf) (defined in TransformTool)TransformToolstatic
TransformByMatrix(TopoShape pShape, Matrix4 matrix)TransformToolstatic
Translate(TopoShape pShape, GVec vec)TransformToolstatic