AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
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TextureCube Member List

This is the complete list of members for TextureCube, including all inherited members.

Cast(GfxObject obj) (defined in TextureCube)TextureCubestatic
GetDesc() (defined in Texture)Texture
GetEncoding() (defined in Texture)Texture
GetHeight() (defined in TextureCube)TextureCube
GetMapping() (defined in Texture)Texture
GetTextureType() (defined in Texture)Texture
GetUniforms() (defined in Texture)Texture
GetUpdateVersion() (defined in Texture)Texture
GetUuid() (defined in GfxObject)GfxObject
GetWidth() (defined in TextureCube)TextureCube
GfxObject() (defined in GfxObject)GfxObject
IsValid() (defined in TextureCube)TextureCube
RequestUpdate() (defined in Texture)Texture
SetDesc(TextureDesc val) (defined in Texture)Texture
SetEncoding(EnumEncoding val) (defined in Texture)Texture
SetHeight(long val) (defined in TextureCube)TextureCube
SetMapping(EnumMapping val) (defined in Texture)Texture
SetUniform(String name, Uniform uniform) (defined in Texture)Texture
SetWidth(long val) (defined in TextureCube)TextureCube
Texture() (defined in Texture)Texture
Texture(TextureDesc desc) (defined in Texture)Texture
TextureCube() (defined in TextureCube)TextureCube
TextureCube(TextureDesc desc, long width, long height) (defined in TextureCube)TextureCube