AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
Help you to create a better world!
GAx1 Member List

This is the complete list of members for GAx1, including all inherited members.

Angle(GAx1 theOther)GAx1
GAx1(GPnt theP, GDir theV)GAx1
IsCoaxial(GAx1 Other, double AngularTolerance, double LinearTolerance)GAx1
IsNormal(GAx1 theOther, double theAngularTolerance)GAx1
IsOpposite(GAx1 theOther, double theAngularTolerance)GAx1
IsParallel(GAx1 theOther, double theAngularTolerance)GAx1
Mirror(GPnt P)GAx1
Mirror(GAx1 A1)GAx1
Mirror(GAx2 A2)GAx1
Mirrored(GPnt P)GAx1
Mirrored(GAx1 A1)GAx1
Mirrored(GAx2 A2)GAx1
Rotate(GAx1 theA1, double theAngRad)GAx1
Rotated(GAx1 theA1, double theAngRad)GAx1
Scale(GPnt theP, double theS)GAx1
Scaled(GPnt theP, double theS)GAx1
SetDirection(GDir theV)GAx1
SetLocation(GPnt theP)GAx1
Transform(GTrsf theT)GAx1
Transformed(GTrsf theT)GAx1
Translate(GVec theV)GAx1
Translate(GPnt theP1, GPnt theP2)GAx1
Translated(GVec theV)GAx1
Translated(GPnt theP1, GPnt theP2)GAx1