AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
Help you to create a better world!
This is the complete list of members for FeatureTool, including all inherited members.
CeneterLine(TopoShape face) | FeatureTool | static |
Chamfer(TopoShape shape, double dis1, double dis2) | FeatureTool | static |
Chamfer(TopoShape shape, Uint32List edgeIdx, DoubleList dis1, DoubleList dis2) | FeatureTool | static |
Defeaturing(TopoShape solid, TopoShapeList faceToRemove) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
Evolved(TopoShape section, TopoShape path, EnumGeomJoinType joinType, boolean bSolid) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
ExtendFace(TopoShape face, double extend) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
ExtractCircle(TopoShape shape) | FeatureTool | static |
Extrude(TopoShape base, double height, GDir _dir) | FeatureTool | static |
Fillet(TopoShape shape, double radius) | FeatureTool | static |
Fillet(TopoShape shape, Uint32List edgeIdx, DoubleList radius) | FeatureTool | static |
Loft(TopoShapeList sketches, boolean bSolid, boolean bRuled, boolean bCheckCompatibility, double pres3d) | FeatureTool | static |
Loft(TopoShapeList sketches, boolean bSolid, boolean bCheckCompatibility) | FeatureTool | static |
Loft(TopoShape wireA, TopoShape wireB, boolean bSolid) | FeatureTool | static |
Loft(TopoShape wire, GPnt pt) | FeatureTool | static |
MiddlePath(TopoShape shape, TopoShape base1, TopoShape base2) | FeatureTool | static |
OffsetShape(TopoShape shape, double offset, EnumGeomJoinType jointType) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
OffsetWire(TopoShape wire, double offset, double altitude, EnumGeomJoinType jointType, boolean openning) | FeatureTool | static |
Revol(TopoShape base, GAx1 ax, double angle) | FeatureTool | static |
Sweep(TopoShape section, TopoShape path, EnumGeomFillTrihedron type) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
SweepByEvolution(TopoShape section, TopoShape path, TopoShape evolutionSpline, boolean bSolid) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
SweepByFrenet(TopoShape section, TopoShape path, EnumSweepTransitionMode mode, boolean bSolid, boolean withContact, boolean withCorrection) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
SweepByFrenet(TopoShape section, TopoShape path, EnumSweepTransitionMode mode, boolean bSolid, boolean withContact) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
SweepByFrenet(TopoShape section, TopoShape path, EnumSweepTransitionMode mode, boolean bSolid) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
SweepByFrenet2(TopoShapeList sections, TopoShape path, EnumSweepTransitionMode mode, boolean bSolid) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
SweepBySections(TopoShapeList sections, TopoShape path, EnumSweepTransitionMode mode, boolean bSolid) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
SweepBySections(TopoShapeList sections, TopoShape path, EnumSweepTransitionMode mode, boolean bSolid, boolean withContact, boolean withCorrection) (defined in FeatureTool) | FeatureTool | static |
Thickness(TopoShape solid, double offset, Uint32List faceIdx) | FeatureTool | static |