AnyCAD Rapid API 2023
Help you to create a better world!
This is the complete list of members for BooleanTool, including all inherited members.
Common(TopoShape shapeA, TopoShape shapeB) | BooleanTool | static |
Cut(TopoShape shapeA, TopoShape shapeB) | BooleanTool | static |
Cut(TopoShape shapeA, TopoShapeList shapeB) (defined in BooleanTool) | BooleanTool | static |
Fuse(TopoShape shapeA, TopoShape shapeB) | BooleanTool | static |
Section(TopoShape shapeA, TopoShape shapeB) | BooleanTool | static |
Section(TopoShape shape, GPnt position, GDir dir) | BooleanTool | static |
Slice(TopoShape solid, GPnt position, GDir dir, double tol) | BooleanTool | static |
Split(TopoShape shape, TopoShape tool) | BooleanTool | static |
SplitCurve(TopoShape curve, GPnt point) | BooleanTool | static |
Unify(TopoShape shape, boolean unifyEdges, boolean unifyFaces, boolean concatBSplines) | BooleanTool | static |